Visualization of tensors

This series explains about tensors using a unique and original visualization of a sphere with arrows.

Note that this series talks about the term ‘tensor’ as used in physics and math. In the field of AI the term tensor was borrowed with a simplified meaning. In AI it simply means a multi-dimensional array. So for example the array “double a[4][6]” (4 by 6 matrix of doubles) is called a second-order tensor, but there’s no special relationship to vector spaces, as shown in the video

Part 1

Part 1 in this series shows some introduction to tensor theory and demonstrates it with the Cauchy stress tensor. 

Part 2

Part 2 is devoted to the electromagnetic tensor and deals mostly with this example. You can safely skip to part 3 for a more general tensor discussion.

Part 2A uses our sphere with arrows to visualize a magnetic field. In Part 2B we extend it to the electric field as well, and explain why electric and magnetic fields are two aspects of the same tensor field.

Part 3

Part 3 explains about tensor product and tensor product spaces. It shows an example from quantum physics, demonstrating how tensors are related to quantum entanglement.

Next parts . . .

Future parts of this series will show more theory and more examples. Please subscribe to get notifications when new parts are posted.

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